Guest Post: Haiti Is A Shithole, From The Perspective of a Haitian

Please welcome my lifelong friend, Jadrice Toussaint, as he shares his thoughts on the alleged recent comments made by Donald Trump regarding Haiti—Bark

I’m Haitian, and I’m proud. As a matter of fact, as I write these words, I am in Haiti, celebrating my birthday with my friends and family. And I’ve asked all of them the following question: Why should we be upset as Haitians at Donald Trump for telling the truth? Because he’s right—Haiti is a “shithole.”

We Haitians are amazing and wonderful people. I do find it appalling that a president, who is supposed to be an example as a leader, should make these statements.But for him to say that Haiti is a shithole…well, think about it.

Our government is corrupted beyond belief. This will always halt the progression of the country. Again, he didn’t say that Haitians are shithole, but that the country is a shithole. Don’t be upset at Trump for telling it like it is. Yes, he’s many things, but think about this logically; forget that you want to think of him as being racist, etc. He’s looking out for America, his country, he cares to make his country great, he’s elected and represent those that loves that country, and by those who want to see their country continue down a path toward greatness.

In other words, this is what I would love to expect from our Haitian government, to put our country first, but that is certainly not the case. Instead, each and every single one of them are out to exploit and fatten their pockets. In Haiti, you get into government for one thing only—to make money. They will sell the country, or prevent any forward progress, as long as it benefits them.

If we truly want to be angry as Haitians, let’s direct that anger into changing our government. Don’t just vote for those that make ridiculous promises with zero substance. Vote for a politician that will take a dollar a year as his salary. That will not be driving in a $200,000 Range Rover, but will support better roads and infrastructure. Vote for someone that in this modern day would make sure that the country has the proper infrastructure for 24/7 electricity. It’s 2018—how is it acceptable that we still have rationed electricity?

Don’t be so easily misguided or misdirected. Trump was In a meeting with 6 Democrats and others, I am not saying that he may or may not have said what the media is reporting. Yes, a lot us expect him to say some off the wall things, but were we there in that meeting? Are there video or audio recording of him actually saying these things?

Again, I am not advocating for Trump, far from it. I am going to look at this always in a logical manner. Taking out the fact that I am Haitian, and I want to be butt-hurt by what the media likes to fuel and ignite upon us.

Visit Haiti when you can, but take it from me—the country is a shithole. I love my country, and I would do anything for my country, but I call it a dumpster every time I visit, because it is truth.

Jadrice Toussaint:
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