Lazy Sunday Afternoon

So today I actually used my brain and went to the grocery store before 10. Believe me, you do not want to be in an Aldi or Hy Vee on a Sunday afternoon.

Once I got home I decided I was staying in the rest of the day. Which I filled by living in the past. To wit: watching Season One of The Streets of San Francisco (great show, but they should have called it The LTDs of San Francisco,  ha ha) and going through my old car brochures and magazines.

I especially focused on a copy of the August 1973 Motor Trend, featuring a King of the Hill test against the 1973 Fleetwood Eldorado and Continental Mark IV.

But I was also taken with the advertisements. My God, there was so much more variety back then. Sure, they rusted, they blew up, they broke down. But there were so many choices!

The comboverization of our country today sucks. I could go on, but as the title suggests, I’m being lazy today. So just view, enjoy, and feel free to chime in in the comments.

And now, I need to boot up another episode of Streets of San Francisco and make a new cocktail 🍸.  Cheers!


Tom Klockau:
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