Japanese People Aren’t Making Babies. Why?

Japanese People Aren’t Making Babies. Why?

Please welcome Thomas Kreutzer to Riverside Green!—Bark

It’s the beginning of a new week, which means it must be time for a new article on the sexual habits of the Japanese.

Today’s trending topic, courtesy of the BBC and The Independent, is a recent study that finds 43% of Japanese people aged 18 to 34 have never had a sexual experience. The article goes on say that 64% of people in that age range report that they are not in a relationship and that roughly one in four 50 year old Japanese men, and one in seven 50 year old Japanese women, claim to have never been married. If this trend continues, warns Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, the country’s current population of 127 million will, by 2065, decline by nearly 40 million.

To discover the underlying reasons, BBC reporters dug deep and interviewed two people. The male perspective was provided by unmarried 26 year old comedian Ano Matsui who told reporters that men like him are afraid of rejection, find women scary, and prefer to spend time working on their hobbies. “Once,” he said, “I asked a girl out but she said no. That traumatized me.”

The female viewpoint was represented by 45 year old Megumi Igarashi, an artist most famous for creating a full-size kayak made from a 3D image of her own vagina, who remained unmarried for 44 years before finally tying the knot with a foreigner, Mike Scott of the band the Waterboys, just a year ago. “Building a relationship is not easy.” She said. “A boy has to start from asking a girl on a date. I think a lot of men just cannot be bothered. They can watch porn on the internet and get sexual satisfaction that way.”

The article concludes by stating that the current numbers of people remaining unmarried into their 50s are at their highest levels since records started being kept in the 1920s and with news of yet another survey that indicates that the situation will only continue to worsen as many young people have no intention of getting married in the years to come. Grim stuff.

Having been a serious student of all things Japanese for more than 30 years, these sorts of articles fascinate me. Not just because I get to spend a few minutes of my day sniggering at the sexual peccadillos of the Japanese, but because I think we are seeing something much deeper. The fabric of Japanese society, it seems to me, is unraveling one knot at a time like an old knit sweater. Each day seems to bring new story- the rampant “gig economy” that keeps young people employed just enough to pay for food and a place to sleep, “hikimori” withdrawing from society and living out their lives in their childhood bedrooms and now a trend away from forming adult relationships – each story another tug on the loose end of the string.

I am not a social scientist, I think it is possible that an answer to what is happening might be found in something proposed in 1943 by Abraham Maslow in his paper, “A Theory for Human Motivation.” Maslow’s work posits a “hierarchy of needs” through which human motivations generally move. From the most basic needs to the highest, these needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization and self-transcendence. The theory, as I understand it, generally goes that unless the most basic needs are met, an individual is trapped in a place where they are constantly trying to fulfill those needs and cannot effectively move to the next level. So, for example, if a person doesn’t have enough food or water, they are essentially unable to focus on safety, love, esteem, etc. It’s a famous and influential work and chances are most people have encountered it at one point or another.

Using Maslow’s Hierarchy as a guide, it seems likely to me that the seeds of today’s crises were sown in 1992 when the Japanese economic bubble burst. What followed is referred to as “the lost decade” and although the situation has improved some over the last few years, in some ways the country has never fully recovered. The working class and young people in general still struggle and, although their parent and societal safety nets ensure their physiological needs are met, they remain unable to financially prosper and thus economically unsafe. Trapped in a place of constant economic uncertainty, it follows quite naturally that their personal relationships are suffering.

It’s frightening stuff and I have been quietly watching it now for years. More frightening, however, is that I have noticed that more and more Americans are discovering that they too are economically unsafe. We can debate the reasons why – the loss of well-paying working class jobs, the failure of trickle-down economics to actually flow all the way down through society, the investor class hoarding all the cash, or the irresponsible use of credit to buy too much house or to pursue an education with no actual useful purpose, etc. – but the truth is that vast numbers of the working class and young people are failing to prosper. They are worried, and if Japan is an example, maybe we should all be as well.


  1. Welcome Thomas, and thank your for a thought provoking article. You are correct that a similar plight is taking hold in the United States. My own theory is that burdensome regulation coupled with trade policy which encourages U.S. companies to invest outside our borders, and a confiscatory tax policy that motivates said companies to hold profits offshore is destroying the traditional jobs that once paid average Americans enough to rise above the poverty waterline.

    Population growth in the United States is heavily influenced by immigration with immigration accounting for nearly as much growth and birthrates. Immigrants are also accounting for much of the U.S. birthrate while birthrates of native born Americans continue to decline. Social policies that ensure immigrants and welfare groups will not suffer from lack of basic needs is allowing those groups to produce children at a higher rate than the rest of the population which must make economic decisions on the number of children it can responsibly care for.

    Also, do not discount the dramatic shift of women into the workforce since the 1970s. This created a situation where the time available to rear children is reduced compared to earlier generations. The rising cost of third party child care is also a powerful economic motivator to limit the number of children being born to working households.

  2. This was interesting but I am not sure Maslow really figures in. The places that still have rapid population growth have much more economic deprivation and uncertainty. When they get their smart phones and ramen noodles will they also forget breeding?

    I think it is more that the ease of modern life have left the youth in a state of being comfortably numb. You can see it all over the first world.

    You read stories like Ben Franklin striking out on his own at 15 in a different place. Then compare it the back story of today’s leaders no turbulence glide path. Notice how many of the current Euro leaders are childless.

    1. I think Maslow figures, but because of another factor. People can’t generally accept a movement backwards in their standing in life. So if your raised in an upper middle class household but find your self driving uber and working at TGI fridays, your not likely to feel secure enough to start a family or move forward in life in general.

      I don’t think it even has to be that big of a step.

      As another example, your Dad worked full time at an appliance factory bringing home enough union pay for mom to stay home. Then when Mom went back to work when you got older dad bought a little fishing boat and a camper nicer house etc. Your parents produced a very good life at of 1 and half working careers. Your now working at a car dealership , and your wife works as a book keeper part time, but despite that once you take out medical expenses housing costs etc you find you will never have enough money for a down payment on a house? Again this slight step back makes life seem impossible raises the likely hood of depression and creates a lot of the parents basement effects.
      So the same plays into increased birth rates in other parts of the worlds. In general absolute poverty has gotten better in the last 20 years in many places. If you now work 70 hours a week in a sweat shop but take home enough for a one room apartment and hot food, but your parents raised you in a make shift shack with just enough food not to die from subsistence farming, you may actually feel surprisingly optimistic about the future.

  3. “Using Maslow’s Hierarchy as a guide, it seems likely to me that the seeds of today’s crises were sown in 1992 when the Japanese economic bubble burst. “

    I’d suggest that was actually “Stage 2” of this progression. the runaway success of Japanese industry in the ’70s and ’80s gave rise to the “salaryman.” Expected to be at work for long hours (whether or not they were actually doing anything, going home before your boss was a no-no,) after work go drinking with co-workers hostess bars until late, then stumbling home and getting up for work the next morning. If you did start a family, actually being an active participant wasn’t high on the list of priorities.

    the younger generations aren’t eager to put up with that shit. The relentless stress of having to get into the right schools as a kid, just so you can work yourself half to death at a go-nowhere job for the rest of your life? Especially since the “lost decade” reduced the number of those jobs, and the security of the existing ones.

    This backlash started years ago. I’ve worked for a couple of (big name) Japanese companies, and I was surprised at the number of (younger guys) at the home office in Japan who just up and said “fuck this shit, I’m not doing it anymore” (in Japanese, of course) and left for a complete career change. I’m talking “leave a white collar job to go try to be a sports trainer.”

    so (I think) a lot of these younger folks are just looking at the mold they’re expected to fit into and saying “no thanks.”

    1. Adopting the Muslim attitudes toward women would be fine and increase birthrates anywhere. The actual people and religion do not need to expand beyond where they are currently.

        1. To be fair, ultra orthodox judaism is rather similar to Islam in its treatment of women (them being fully clothed). In fact, they’re close in other ways too.

  4. related: nypost.com/2017/06/30/i-love-my-sex-doll-because-she-never-grumbles/
    The doll *shares the marriage bed*, which the wife apparently finds preferable to actually sexxing her husband, and vice versa.

    And: broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/nevzwm/women-are-freezing-their-eggs-due-to-a-deficit-of-educated-men-study-claims?utm_source=vicetwitterus

    The genders are being shamed/conditioned/influenced to become repulsive to each other and this is the result. In Japan, the crossover point in sales between adult and infant diapers is expected in 2020.

    1. I was thinking of that doll article
      “It’s less stress and they complain a lot less than women.”
      I’m still on real women but I can’t really argue with this

      The genders are being shamed/conditioned/influenced to become repulsive to each other and this is the result. In Japan, the crossover point in sales between adult and infant diapers is expected in 2020.

      Well, if you tell men to act like men and women to act like women you’re a bigot or something.

  5. I recall reading in other articles about the decline in Japanese birth rates that for Japanese women there’s an expectation that once they have a child they are to leave the workplace (or whatever job they had) to raise the child. But to also never return, or if returning not to the extent they did before, to the workforce upon becoming a mother. Basically, having to decide to either have a career or become a mother.

    1. Traditionally, young women took jobs until they married and started having children. They then dropped out of the workforce while their children were young but returned (usually to the same company) as part time workers once the kids started going to school.

      A great example was the mother of the family I had a brief homestay with back in 1992. She was a bank teller when she was you, took several years off when her children were young, and then went back to the same company where she basically rode a bicycle around town collecting deposits from local businesses – who need Brinks when your country is so safe?

      Lots of families lived this way and it seems like Japanese society was built to flex to accommodate that. Thing is, I’m not sure if that is still as common as it used to be.

  6. Weird .

    I guess now I understand why those rich Women wanted e to have babies with them and were willing to $weeten the pot a lot .

    Sheesh ~ if I’m your best bet for having kids we’re doomed .


  7. Nuts.

    We are raising societies of pansies.

    Grandpa lost the farm by the end of the Great Depression, then went off to fight the Germans in WWII, where he jumped into Normandy, fought his way to Paris, survived the Battle of the Bulge, helped bring food, water, clothes and medical care to people in war and extermination camps, and stayed on through the rebuilding of Germany and the growing hostile nature of the Soviets vs Americans, English and French.

    He came home to two kids, a wife, a tiny apartment in a small midwestern farm town. He worked as a mechanic, then carpenter, earned enough to send his kids to college and buy a house, then his son died in a car accident. After that, Grandpa broke his spine in a fall on the job. But he kept getting up, going to work, going to church, helping his community, and even though he never completed high school, was considered the best furniture, finish, and cabinet carpenter in five counties. Economic, physical and emotional “safety”? Nonsense. Until late in his life, when he retired due to diabetes and cancer, he had no economic and emotional safety. By then, physical safety consisted of a warm bed in hospice.

    I’ve been through nothing anywhere close as difficult to what my grandfather, or even my parents, endured as kids and young adults. I do know I graduated college with a Liberal Arts degree right after the stock market crash of 87. There were no jobs anywhere, but I still moved out, got a tiny apartment, gigged as a musician and made enough to survive. My wife grew up on food stamps, government peanut butter and cheese as a child, one of four kids in a single-mom household. Yet both she and I kept working hard, seizing opportunities great and small, and now she’s a doctor and I’m an executive at F500 firm.

    Somehow, we’re seeing more and more of our kids and grandkids — who’ve faced almost no real adversity in their lives — hiding out in basements, running from the opposite sex, recoiling from the work one needs to do to succeed, because A) they can get away with it, B) we let them, C) they know no better.

    Perhaps we’re all victims of our own success, where comfort and security exist for those who do nothing to earn it — so they continue to do nothing. What happens to these snowflakes when the next trial or tribulation strikes — or god forbid, their parents retire or die?

    1. “Grandpa lost the farm by the end of the Great Depression, then went off to fight the Germans in WWII, where he jumped into Normandy,”

      Yes, he was extremely lucky a world war bailed him out and then some. It also helped remove a large portion of the country by death and we were the only industrialized country left standing.

      You’re also not realizing that opportunities are not there anymore for those who have do not have an MBA or some kind of graduate degree. Computers will destroy society.

      1. Yeah, standing in the door of the plane, looking at tracer fire and flak bursts felt “lucky” to Grandpa. Drifting down on a parachute with more tracers and air bursts all around was also “lucky.” Clearing the hedge rows filled with 88s, panzers and M42 nests was the best luck ever. Watching half his unit killed or wounded in the first few months of action had him wanting to head head to the South of France for some high stakes gambling. Being down to his last biscuit and clip of ammo while Tiger supported infantry advanced on his position – while suffering frost-bite on his hands, fingers and face – caused him to consider changing his name to Lucky. When I’d see Grandpa sitting alone on his garden bench, just holding his bible and staring at something very far away, I felt lucky I had a grandfather, but as for him, I’m not so sure if he was feeling lucky.

        1. My “lucky” comment wasn’t to be taken literally; the war bailed out the USA and provided a lot of men with jobs that couldn’t have existed without the war. We don’t have that happening right now with so may out of work and about to be worse. They were also provided jobs post war as we were the only industrialized nation left so we, to use hyperbole, had to rebuild the world.

          As an aside all war sucks, but the western front in WW2 wasn’t the worst place to be if you had to go to war. The Japanese front was far worse. WW2 days in combat was relatively low compared to Vietnam.

          “The average infantryman in the South Pacific during World War II saw about 40 days of combat in four years. The average infantryman in Vietnam saw about 240 days of combat in one year thanks to the mobility of the helicopter.”


        1. you’re not paying $100k/yr for unskilled labor. Maybe he overstepped by saying “graduate” degree, but the point remains that you can’t “hit the ground running” like a lot of people did immediately after the end of WWII.

          The environment that led to a surfeit of good-paying unskilled jobs is gone. The surfeit of good-paying unskilled jobs is gone. The good-paying unskilled jobs left out there are taken. If you want a good paying job, you have to specialize to some extent, whether it’s a trade, a 2- or 4-year degree, or a talent with broad appeal. if you guess wrong, you’re fucked.

          1. @jz.

            Even skilled labor is starting to have a problem. Let’s be honest, most business jobs do not require an MBA, and most jobs do not require a masters degree.

        2. Mark: as I am an ostensibly grown man whose computer skills are limited to cribbing Excel formulas from help forums and swearing at the Access Query Wizard, what steps would you advise I take to make myself qualified for such a position and salary level?

          Not being wholly facetious here. In your part of the world, what does a six-figure employee look like, and how often do you come across them?

          1. For me, I’m much more about mindset over skillset. The last young lady I hired for a similar role didn’t necessarily fit the job description (had some of the qualifications but not all), but she was fiery, energetic, and kicked ass in her interview. I knew she’d do the same with customers.

            The best skill any job seeker can have is to be a great interviewer. I promise you that if I can get a foot in the door for an interview, I’ll win the job. Since 2001, I’ve been offered every single job I’ve interviewed for with the exception of one store manager job at AT&T in 2007.

          2. @Bark

            That’s usually true, but after shutting down my business and now on the interview trail, I can say that a lot of people care about the resume rather than the mindset or “skill-set”. It’s nice to know that people understand it’s not all about the resume, but I come up against the MBA candidate who I know can’t beat me on experience, but certainly has the paperwork and can speak the jargon (Orwell was right about jargon).

            Who knows, maybe it’s all a crapshoot and none of us have a clue on how it all works.

          3. @Will

            Generally, when people are beating you on paper it’s happening while your application is still with personnel. Good jobs get such a flood of applicants these days that companies often automate the first steps of the process. You’re lucky if an actual person even looks at your application – generally a computer scans your docs for certain buzzwords before sending ithem to an actual person or simply relegating them to the trash.

            The trick is crafting a resume that gets you past the computer while leaving enough meat on the bone to get a real person’a attention. I’m no expert, but I usually craft a specific resume aimed at the computer and write a cover letter that I hope will make the hiring manager decide that they want to talk with me.

          4. “The best skill any job seeker can have is to be a great interviewer. I promise you that if I can get a foot in the door for an interview, I’ll win the job.”

            you might want to stay in your lane here (not that you know how.) What works for winning a sales job doesn’t apply elsewhere. You might (might) be able to schmooze your way into e.g. an engineering position but if you don’t have the skills to back up your bluster you’ll be out on your ass in short order.

          5. Don’t be intentionally obtuse. If I don’t have an engineering background, I’m not going to be able to get an engineering interview, am I? But if I have the same engineering background that you do, and I’m a better interviewer than you are, who’s going to get the job?

          1. there you go. if you have to look that hard, then you’ve proven my point.

            it’s like the guy on another message board I encountered back during the “troubles” of 2008-2009. I was on the brink of being laid off with few prospects, and he haughtily snorted “What do you mean there are no jobs? Here’s over half a dozen openings for Java programmers in NJ!”

            1) I’m a mechanical engineer, not a Java coder
            2) Even if I could learn to write Java, it would take significant time in which those jobs would likely be filled
            3) even if there were still openings after I learned Java, I’d be competing against people with more experience, and
            4) I’d somehow still have to be able to support myself while paying for re-training in hopes of changing careers.

            so, just sniffing “Nonsense, I’m hiring two people for $100k each” doesn’t mean anything to anyone absent context.

          2. To the contrary—the fact that I’m not getting many applicants for a high-paying job would suggest that there aren’t many people who are searching for them. I’m not looking for a graduate degree. Hell, I’m not even looking for an undergraduate degree. I’m looking for people with 3-5 years of experience in digital automotive advertising, which is a huge field with literally thousands of people working in it, as auto dealers are among the biggest spenders in advertising. I’d hire from either the dealer world or the vendor side.

          3. Actually, I’m hiring for a job with top 5 percent income and an unlimited travel budget.

          4. “Actually, I’m hiring for a job with top 5 percent income and an unlimited travel budget.” .

            I’m guessing an old crippled Journeyman Mechanic doesn’t quite fill the bill here….


  8. Every day as I make my way out of downtown Houston, I drive by a construction site on the allegedly trendy end of town where they are building a a large residential complex, town-homes or some such. To hide the construction mess they put up murals depicting the life style they are advertising…all fit, attractive, young people enjoying drinking, yoga, walking their dogs, etc. It took me a few weeks to realize what was missing – not a single picture of a child anywhere.

    There is a grocery store in the area I’ll pick things up at on the way home. There is an entire aisle of dog and cat food, but barely a single shelf of diapers.

    I can’t remember the word for it, but a professor of mine talked about how when nothing is actively selecting for a trait or behavior, it will just disappear over time. Whatever used to drive young people to move out on their own and start families (even in times of financial hardship), it appears there is less of it now.

    My theory: guys don’t need any of the traditional markers of what previous generations called success to get it on.

    * Sex outside of marriage has less stigma attached to it than it ever has. Promiscuity is celebrated in pop culture 24×7.
    * For women, being childless and unmarried has less stigma attached to it than it ever has. See Jack’s oft repeated comment about having one designer baby in your 40s.
    * Not having your own house, car, or source of income doesn’t keep the Tinder generation from having all they sex they want, all of which were deal-breakers in the past.
    * Failing all the above, there is a limitless supply of guilt-free porn (which use to be taboo, now its a throw-away joke in the latest Spider Man movie) to enjoy from the comfort of your parent’s basement.

    1. Women ages 18-45 give it away so easily, it’s not worth settling down. I can go to NYC and get laid every night I’m there from a different girl. I usually go out at 9 and back with one by 11. It’s a joke.

        1. I will also say, the desperation in that city is strong, much like San Fran and LA. You’d be surprised.

          1. @Will ;

            ‘Desperate’ to leave or to go there or what ? .

            I live in Los Angeles and think it’s pretty nice, I’m in South Central .


          2. @Nate

            I’m from LA brother! I know what an earthquake feels like. Desperate meaning looking for men, not desperate in an economic sense.

          3. Thanx Will ;

            I hate to say it but you’re right ~ so many Women it’s laughable and here I’ve always been the oddball on the outside looking in yet so many Women looking, always looking .

            I never had any troubles and sorta-kinda wish I could have married one of the many beautiful filthy rich, nice clean ones who wanted to support me in a lifestyle to which I’d get accustomed to….

            I don’t like outside help and most of the Women I’ve ever been with didn’t need me, they allowed me to join them, much better this way .


    2. “For women, being childless and unmarried has less stigma attached to it than it ever has.”

      why should it have any “stigma” at all? Women aren’t brood mares, they’re not obligated to be your June Cleaver.

      1. I’m not suggesting that there should or should not be a stigma, just observing a change in cultural norms.

      2. But I will say there are practical implications for the long term prospects of your culture when you collectively choose negative population growth.

        1. I’m not sure why I should care. I don’t have the hubris to think I’m so important where I believe I know what’s best for this country.

          Unlike some.

          1. Who asked you to care? Is there something you’d like to take issue with in the logic of my statement?

  9. This can’t catch on quickly enough everywhere else: our little miracle space rock is getting kind of crowded

  10. There is a “theory” that a defeated people devalue their women and their men and find no need to procreate with them – considering their very existence is a mark of shame.

    I could continue but I’ll let you draw conclusions from that.

    Regardless how poor the economy is, these people have jobs and have money. There are plenty of nice parts of Japan to live, Their decisions to not have sex and procreate is psychological – I believe.

    Japan has nationalized healthcare because they are homogeneous. they for the most part have a government that takes care of their people. They flat out REFUSED to take in Muslim refugees because they are highly nationalistic and some might say “racist” or “xenophobic” and they want NO OUTSIDER polluting their living space.

    I loved being in Shinjuku Ku Tokyo more than I loved living in Shang Hai. It was beautiful, clean and neat. The people all work together – even the Yakuza mobs – when disaster strikes.

  11. “who remained unmarried for 44 years before finally tying the knot with a foreigner, ”

    I rest my case.

  12. I would guess the virginity statistics in that article are almost entirely bogus but the demographic collapse in Japan is very real. It certainly would be good to understand this better because similar trends are following in almost every advanced western country. It just seems to have started first and most acutely in Japan for reasons that are not entirely clear.

    But some combination of economic and social trends are preventing young people from starting families and I think it’s a huge problem.

    1. The stats are absolutely bunk. Many of the new employees we took on this year were talking about how often they visit brothels/massage parlors at the last work drinking event. They may have been blowing smoke though, as all the older guys talk about the same shit, or interrogate me about how often I’m fooling around on my girlfriend (“never” seems to be a mind-blowing answer, but these guys seem to only want to pay to get blown/handies). The fucked up thing, there were some new hires that were women there as well. They looked pretty uncomfortable about the whole conversation.

      As was mentioned previously, a lot of these people of the younger generations also grew up in barely functioning households. Dad maybe spent time with the kids when they were really little, but generally, moms end up taking over everything and dad just becomes a source of income. At the same time, dad is free to go out and spend his allowance on boozing with his work buddies (same guys he spends 70% of his 13+ hour work day, jerking off with instead of doing work), golfing, and going to soapland or hitting the massage parlours when on overseas trips. When dad is home, often times the kids resent him and so does their wife. I’ve been around several families where mom and dad haven’t slept in the same room, let alone same bed, for years. Dad tries to act like the head of the family when the fam does do outings, but its a pretty translucent charade. The mothers are also to blame as they often baby their children into their 30s and don’t bother teaching the kids how to handle stuff like cooking or other life skills.

      Imagine if you’re growing up and that was your home life. Either you’re gonna be on the lookout for a partner who can baby you and take care of you like mom did (if you’re a guy), or you’re gonna eschew the whole marriage thing and keep living with the parents rent free so you can dump your income on trips around the world with your friends, brand goods, some wimpy bag dog, etc. (if you’re a girl). While I’ve met many late 20’s to early 30’s virgins here, most of the women are getting laid in some way or another as well. Be that guy/gaijin hunting at bars and what not, or picking up locals while on their gal-pal trips abroad.

      TL;DR Lotta younger guys are getting laid, problem is they’re paying for it and therefore less likely to procreate, or once the first kid is born, they take a role more like the biggest kid instead of a father. The women are uninterested in becoming mothers to small and very large children and would rather follow a career or have loads of spending money, but are also finding ways to get laid.

      1. @Sabot…

        If any of this is true it’s no wonder suicides are going through the roof country wide .


  13. Thomas Goldman’s “How Civilizations Die” had a great line about how Germans and Japanese do not breed in captivity.

      1. OK, that’s not nearly as horrifying as what I was thinking. It looks like just a plastic cover atop a regular kayak. I was thinking some foam and latex monstrosity in vivid color.

    1. I wish I had a shit job like Mark’s. It pays in the one percent range and you travel anywhere you want to go at someone else’s expense.

      Everybody in our family likes to travel except for me. There have been years I didn’t leave the state of Ohio and was in no way upset by this.

  14. I will.
    If the price for being a “1%er” is 5 days per week on the road, away from the kids, as woof boy furrow nom de plume has mentioned, then screw that.
    Plus dealing with dealers for a livin’?
    Double screw that.

    1. Interesting that you mention my nom de plume, considering you’ve adopted the persona of a wife-beating drug addict. Whatever floats the old boat, I suppose.

      I frankly found you more interesting when you were “Nailbomb” and calling me a mommy blogger.

  15. this social engineering comes from the uncontrolled unaudited central bankers. the lost decade in japan was due to easy money lending practices directed towards real estate. the average young salaryman had 2 homes. then the central bankers pulled the rug out and tightened money supply. the controlled media blamed the minister of finance and so did paid protesters. the end result was now the central bankers have control over monetary policy (as they do in most countries) where previously the minister of finance theoretically had control but he just listened to the central bankers. the average person is left holding all this debt and cannot consider a family. the same thing is going on here. do some research.

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