If You Have A Spare $9k-200k, Check Out The Indulge Gift Guide

If You Have A Spare $9k-200k, Check Out The Indulge Gift Guide


My first work for INDULGE magazine is now online—rejoice (updated with a weblink)This magazine is a genuinely beautiful piece of work, with high quality photography and writing about South Florida lifestyle. It will mostly make you feel poor. But you should read it anyway, specifically my suggestions for gifts for the car collector in your life. It will come as no surprise to the RG faithful that I’ve recommended an NSX, an Evora, and a Mustang, as well as a Yamaha saxophone, Weiss watch, and EXR Series Racing school experience. What can I say…I’m consistent.

Next issue will have some super fun stuff about a very fast, very expensive supercar, as well as the world’s prettiest electric car in the Keys. Check it out.



  1. Paging through the magazine…I already felt poor emotionally, but now I physically feel poor. Or maybe that’s just general nausea at the pointlessness and vanity of it all.

    And yes, I say that with the full knowledge that my current job is 100% in service to vanity. Nobody needs 700+ HP cars…but I’m glad people want them. I recognize that the desires of the wealthy allow untold numbers of artisans, craftsmen, engineers, techies, etc. to exercise their passions and design and produce beautiful, wonderful things.

    But still…this magazine makes me want to vomit all the same.

  2. Congratulations Mark .

    The magazine is interesting, very little there I’d want even were I a 1%er but it’s interesting to look into another world .


    1. I find it hilarious that $300 Beats headphones are considered gifts for kids. I also wonder why they are buying organic dog food from one monthly subscription vendor and then putting dinosaur shaped treats of dubious origin in their dog from another.

      1. The funny thing about beats headphones is : an Audio Engineer I know told me they suck as far as sound reproduction .

        Marketing is a fascinating psychological study .


        1. I’ll tell you that in my experience they also sound like crap.
          A sub $10 set of earbuds sounds significantly better.

          1. But, but :

            They’re SO COOL AND HIP ! . (the “lib’ral media” told me so)

            Come to The Ghetto and see the dotards wearing them with no sound system, just to show how hip they are…..


    2. Somebody I follow that reviews audio and tech, and even works for Newegg doing an internet TV show for them, reviewed a set of Dual Driver ear buds that are like $20 and blow almost every other set for sale out of the water, especially for the price. The KZ ES4s are probably your best bet for decent sound reproduction outside of some sort of high-dollar custom-molded jobbies http://somegadgetguy.com/2018/09/13/kz-es4-dual-driver-iems-review-earbuds-sound-way-better-than-20/

      I don’t like ear buds, personally, but that seems like a great, affordable gift option for anybody who is considering giving audio accessories this year.

  3. I have the Yamaha tuning forks tattooed on my left forearm, despite the fact I am not connected in any way with Japanese culture, cannot play any instruments, and only owned a motorcycle for 2 years. (Hopefully someone picked it up at auction for peanuts and is having fun with it.) Yamaha’s history of learning by repair in a country that had almost no expertise does it for me.

  4. I could think of a lot better ways to spend $200,000 a car than an NSX……..its a mildly attractive car that totally falls apart when you get to the front end ughhhh….thats bad…..and its about $100,000 over priced, the good news is that you could probably get a deal because its about as popular as herpes.

    1. I was trying to figure how to spend 200k sensibly. Most of the offerings seen to be designed for gauche successful criminals. I can understand Bark’s choice as at least it is professionally engineered. I would probably go with the RR Wraith. What would you choose?

      1. I’m just a pleb, I don’t have bespoke $7000 guitar strings or handmade monogrammed left handed shoelaces, so a bumpkin like me would be temped to spend that money on several cars, which to me are still better and more desirable than the NSX, and even more shocking, they would be domestic cars too( I know the NSX is US made) with undesirable domestic badges like Chevrolet and Cadillac.

        CTS V-Sport, Corvette Grand Sport and a nice Tahoe or Yukon.

        Though if I had to only spend it on one car, I would buy a cabrio 911 Turbo not even look twice at this mid-engine Accord……..

  5. Despite this magazine sounding like a Tom Haverford version of the Robb Report, I may take a look. I can’t complain about the Evora and Mustang recommendations.

    1. That’s really a perfect description, its like what someone who wants to be rich imagining what real rich people would want…..

  6. The truth is : I have water tastes on a beer budget so I’m mostly set ~ if I need/want something I either budget for it or buy it and work the payments into my budget, mostly I can figure out how to do this sans charges or seeing the loan shark guy .

    If I actually had $200,000 I’d flesh out the investments I have, they’re all set up so my grand children will inherit them ~ I hope to not need to dip into them before I die .

    To – day (11.4) is/was my birthday so I rode my newly waxed and polished BMW Moto on a Vintage British Bike Ride, had a whale of a good time .


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