SCCA P1/P2 From The Hoosier Super Tour

SCCA P1/P2 From The Hoosier Super Tour


  1. Well after NINE months someone remembered he had another web site… gee and where is the photograph of the Pace Car and its esteemed driver…. Welcome back … Riverside Green…

    1. John C, hope all is well in Savanna. Inquiring minds want to know what new motor vehicle did you end up getting? The last time you said your wife did not take a liking to the Chrysler 300C and you were going in a different direction. Also, Tom K misses your insightful commentary and you really should consider joining us at Avoidable Contact Forever as Tom posts a lot of interesting vehicles about twice a week. In addition the community of posters are way above average intellegence and offer some insightful response to articles posted by the one and only Jack B….. Again, gald you have not fallen off the face of the internet.
      Oh and on a small world note, my brother was in Savanna for three days over the Memorial Day weekend due to the fact that Saturday the brakes went south on his RV and he was stuck in a Cracker Barrel parking lot until he could get in a repair shop on Tuesday….. Small World.

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