So the Friday before last, September 30, was the last car cruise in Coralville, Iowa, and the last car show of any size until next spring. Naturally, I went. I’m trying something a little different, transcribing texts I sent to my friend in Texas, Jayson Coombes, on the show. He’s a fellow car nut and we text car show pics all the time, in season. So here we go, in chronological order. After, I went to a fantastic local pizza place in Iowa City, Pagliai’s Pizza, which was totally mobbed due to a Hawkeye game the following day. I don’t know, I thought you all might find it amusing. Enjoy.
OMG this made it worth the trip!
Made me think of Halloween!
Hell yes!!!
Smiths Grove other backup car. Hahaha. She’s spectacular.
And remember that Olds? Ta da!
Yaaaay I love that!
Lots of cool stuff.
Big turnout because it’s the last one and weather is gorgeous. Oh crap ’60 Buick coupe! Stay tuned.
Stupid wheels but it’s still a Coupe de Ville!
Yeah terrible wheel choice. LOL.
OK, now my feet are starting to hurt. To Pagliai’s!
Hahahaha. As long as you got the photos you wanted, head out.
Pardon me sir but did you know you park like a gigantic *unkind term*?
He does but was willing to risk it to stay away from the Toyota idiot.
Must be a stupid sportsball game tomorrow, place is nuts.
Sounds fun.
I have a novel in the car. Think I’m going to read awhile and try again. Damn kids. Damn sportsball. Dagnabit.
Yeah could be a sports event or something tonight.
*44 minutes later* Finally seated just now. I wasn’t leaving, hahaha. Probably last time I’ll be up here til next spring.
Was totally worth the wait!
I suspected as much. Lol. Awesome you got it this time.
At which point I drove the hour home, attempted a movie, then fell asleep on the couch. Cheers!
Tom you did not include a photo of the Pizza!!!!! Oh by the way is Pagliai’s on the first floor of a church? Second floor windows sure look makes the building look like a church…. Anyway that was an original way to present a local show and you had already written the story before you left the show…. You can tell winter is a appoaching in your photos by the low angle of the sun… Best button up the classics till spring….
Nope. Just a normal vintage 2 story brick commercial building. It has one of those cast iron false fronts on the roof peak.
Looks like a fun day/night. Love the GT6. I thinking man’s 240Z. No need to rip off a German Count to get it done. Thanks Tom.
Is it wrong of me that I really want that LTD wagon?
Not in the slightest.
“ Is it wrong of me that I really want that LTD wagon?”
Would you leave stock?
Pretty much, yeah. I don’t really see the need to change anything. Well, might upgrade the brakes if they’re weak, would have to see. But I think I’d leave it pretty much as it is. The only ‘upgrades’ might come if things broke and couldn’t be replaced with original. You buy those cars for comfort. My dad had the sedan version of that car, borrowed if for a few weeks once, it was great.
It stock?
“Stupid sportsball game…”
Ha… I know what you mean, and I feel exactly the same way…
I had no idea there were cup holders in cars as far back as that. Anyone know what year that LTD wagon was made?
Those are an accessory you can buy for any old car, they look right on this car because they match the red upholstery, but they aren’t original.
I would guess its a 1977 but I’m not sure.
Thank you!
I really like the purposeful look that 88 sedan has with the Super Stock wheels on it.
I’m partial to compact cars and that 1962 Falcon looks pretty solid. I-6 engine and three on the tree most likely. Perfect for a fall Sunday drive.
I have to admit I mistook that Cadillac hearse for a Chevy Celebrity hearse and my only thought was that it must have been for an undertaker on a budget.
Glad you enjoyed Pag’s–family owned and run, and you can tell. A bit of an old home week here–I used to drive Olds 88s for Old Capitol Cab in IC. And that LTD wagon is gorgeous. That interior brings back a lot of good memories. 😉